Tag: Radiohead
Right-on Radiohead – the union busters?
Andrew Orlowski
The internet has been great for millionaire music performers and amateurs – it’s everyone else in between who gets screwed. Now we have Radiohead’s publisher Warner Chappell helping confirm the trend. The publisher’s head of business affairs Jane Dyball has divulged some information on the band’s “name your own price” offer last year. Radiohead offered…
One or two things you didn’t know about In Rainbows…
Andrew Orlowski
Radiohead’s Thom Yorke says the band won’t be repeating the band’s digital deal which allowed users to download a version of its most recent album for free. “I don’t think it would have the same significance now anyway, if we chose to give something away again,” he said, describing it as a “one-off response to…
American Radiohead fans are 73% more irrational – survey
Andrew Orlowski
Radiohead last month let punters “set the price” for the digital download of their new album It’s Raining In Rainbows, which is coming out on CD shortly. Since people could download it for free – how much did they really pay? Estimates to date have relied on self-selecting opinion poll data. This one, ComScore reminds…