• Sun’s newest star lauds the PT Barnum way


    “The web is now nature,” says Glenn Edens, one of Sun Microsystems’ most important executives, and its fastest-rising star. The senior VP has been Director of Sun Labs for around 18 months, but the bright lights of Hollywood now beckon. He’s been picked to head Sun’s newest creation, a vertical business unit aimed at converged…

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  • SCO, Groklaw and the Monterey mystery that never was


    Over the past two years, the influential web site Groklaw has become a focal point for open source advocates discussing The SCO Group’s litigation against Linux companies. The community of knowledgeable experts has helped with clarifying contract technicalities, dug through news archives, and filed on-the-spot reports from the Utah the courtroom, much to SCO’s discomfort.…

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  • Email destroys the mind faster than marijuana – study


    Modern technology depletes human cognitive abilities more rapidly than drugs, according to a psychiatric study conducted at King’s College, London. And the curse of ‘messaging’ is to blame. Email users suffered a 10 per cent drop in IQ scores, more than twice the fall recorded by marijuana users, in a clinical trial of over a…

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  • EFF founder must be cheered for founding EFF – EFF Founder


    He made it. Now it made him If you think that backslapping awards and honorific titles are a feudal relic – an archaic and degenerate indulgence of the old world’s imperial plutocracies, think again. They’re alive and well in the New World – and flourishing in the even Newer World of Cyberspace! Which, we can’t…

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  • Hoax paper fools cybernetic boffins


    An MIT student has had a paper consisting of computer-generated gibberish accepted by technology conference WMSCI. The pretentious gathering bills itself as “an international forum where researchers and practitioners examine Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics key issues” Comp sci undergraduate Jeremy Stribling told us that he didn’t single out WMSCI because of its subject matter, although…

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  • Linus Torvalds in bizarre attack on open source


    Do as I say, not do as I do Normally we expect an attack on free software to come from one of the usual suspects: payola analysts, right wing “think tanks”, or Steve Ballmer. So it’s an odd day when Linus Torvalds himself weighs in against the principles of the movement. Torvalds launched a blast…

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