Tag: net neutrality

  • How Free Press breaks the citizens’ network


    In 2003 the journalist Ron Suskind captured one of the quotes of the decade when he cited an unnamed Bush administration official as saying: “When we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality, we’ll act again, creating other new realities.” On the web today, “political activism” has become a virtual…

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  • Man discovers his net wasn’t neutered


    We have very little idea of how a hysteria can grip sensible, rational people – until it strikes. After Orson Welles’s War Of The Worlds radio broadcast, the public reported sightings of Martians. According to urban legend, a farmer’s water tower was peppered with small arms fire, in the belief that it was a Martian…

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  • Obama mounts ‘Neutrality’ bandwaggon


    Politicians long ago gave up on politics. Instead of articulating great ideas, the choice that faces voters today is between identikit managerial bureaucrats who’ve never had a job outside politics. Most of their adult lives have been spent in the hermetic world of wonkdom. So it’s little wonder, then, that they have trouble distinguishing between…

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  • A monkey hangers guide to Net Neutrality


    My presentation to the Westminster eForum on Net Neutrality. I’ll turn this into an embeddable slide show eventually, honest. For now, see The Register for transcript and slides.… Read More

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  • Google snubs UK’s first Net Neutrality debate


    The first significant Net Neutrality debate to take place in the UK was held today at Westminster. Chaired by former trade minister Alun Michael and the Conservative shadow trade minister Charles Hendry, the event attracted the chief Telecoms regulator and ministry policy chief, a clutch of industry representatives, and a sprinkling of members of both…

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  • PacketExchange’s counterpoint to Neutrality hysteria


    Networks need to get smarter, says PacketExchange’s Kieron O’Brien, in a sharp counterpoint to the “Net Neutrality” hysteria. PacketExchange bypasses the congestion of the internet by offering its customers a private end-to-end network. Some of its customers, such as Nokia, Microsoft, and cable ISP Telewest (now owned by Virgin) aren’t so surprising. But last week…

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