Tag: copyright
Furious freetards blitz the wrong SOPA
Andrew Orlowski
Angry copyfighters barraged a small Scottish food certification agency with abuse last week – in the belief they were protesting against hated US anti-piracy legislation. The Scottish Organic Producers Association – whose website is at sopa.org.uk – was perplexed when it found itself on the receiving of dozens of nasty and illiterate emails. Remarkably, nothing…
We can ditch the laws when the Valley’s snotty web teens grow up
Andrew Orlowski
I am going to propose something that may sound radical, but really isn’t. Legislation like SOPA ideally isn’t necessary in an ideal world, and this idea comes about through voluntary agreement. The Stop Online Piracy Act was proposed because of a tragic impasse, a lack of agreement between two powerful and deeply entrenched sides. Although…
The bureaucratic elite and the Google Review. The story continues…
Andrew Orlowski
It’s also a stealth project – ECL was omitted from the Executive Summary that only hurried politicians and the media ever read The Business Department BiS has launched a copyright consultation, inviting views on the recommendations raised in the "Google Review", as the "Hargreaves Review into IP and Growth" became known. Hargreaves was tasked with…
Oops: Public supports web-blocking in Google-funded poll
Andrew Orlowski
Talk about an inconvenient fact. A survey into US attitudes to internet piracy shows strong public support for blocking access to websites guilty of serial copyright infringement. No fewer than 58 per cent support the idea of ISPs blocking the pirate sites, and 36 per cent disagree with this. Of the respondents, 61 per cent…
Your digital rights? Collateral damage, sorry.
Andrew Orlowski
MPs heard a spirited debate about digital rights this week – including the digital rights you might or might not have as an amateur creator. Big media companies would like the freedom to use artwork they find on the web without having to worry about lawsuits or negotiating market rates with creators. The web is…
“Immense wealth awaits. Email Ian Hargreaves with bank details, statute book”
Andrew Orlowski
Now we know why what was widely called the “Google Review” into intellectual property came to the conclusions it did. And we have it from the horse’s mouth: not Google, but Professor Ian Hargreaves and his team at the IPO, who “guided” him. If you recall, a year ago the Prime Minister David Cameron revealed…