Category: Stories

  • Rescuing Nokia? A former exec has a radical plan

    Rescuing Nokia? A former exec has a radical plan


    A couple of months ago, a book appeared in Finland which has become a minor sensation. In the book, a former senior Nokia executive gives his diagnosis of the company, and prescribes some radical and surprising solutions. Up until now, the book has not been covered at all in the English language. This is the…

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  • RIP: The copyright quango that wanted to terminate your rights

    RIP: The copyright quango that wanted to terminate your rights


    The Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property is to be abolished. The Coalition has decided that dismantling copyright is a task that the Intellectual Property Office is quite capable of performing without assistance, and has folded SABIP’s duties back into the IPO. SABIP was founded in 2008 in the wake of the Gowers Report, as…

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  • Nokia, Apple and Sudden Extinction Events

    Nokia, Apple and Sudden Extinction Events


    Every day brings fresh gloom for Nokia – and the criticisms are now so familiar I won’t elaborate on them. But I was struck by a recent observation likening Nokia’s plight now to Apple’s in the mid-1990s. It seems absurd, at first – Nokia is still turning a profit in the billions, while Apple’s annual…

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  • Adventures in Linux (Part One)


    Last Autumn I volunteered to review Windows 7. But in the following weeks, I found Linux to be preferable in many ways. This is pretty significant progress, and outside the ‘community’ has gone largely unnoticed, too – I haven’t seen all that many Ubuntu stories in the Wall Street Journal. But what comes next is…

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  • Utopians, then and now

    Utopians, then and now


     A hundred years ago, the socialist utopians had a vision of what they called “a world without want”. The Zero Carbon Trust published its vision of Britain in 2030 earlier this month, and it’s one where people’s “wants” will substantially increase. Particularly anyone wanting, say, a lamb chop with rosemary and garlic, or a Shepherd’s…

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  • Lessig’s Pick-and-Mix Ethics

    Lessig’s Pick-and-Mix Ethics


    What does an ethics professor do when a self-confessed felon bankrolls his favourite causes? Give the money back? Turn it into a case study for his students? We may soon find out. The professor is the director of Edmond J Safra Foundation Center for Ethics at Harvard, and he’s no ordinary professor. It’s Lawrence Lessig,…

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